Because! The numbers are an everyday needed item, and knowing them in Finnish will help you a lot!
To make numbers between 10 to 20, use numbers 1 to 9 and add "toista", which means 2nd. It's the 2nd coming of these numbers so that is the reason why it's there.11 = yksi + toista = yksitoista
15 = viisi + toista = viisitoista
17 = seitsemän + toista = seitsemäntoista
Higher numbers you might want to know are:
A lot of stuff in Finnish is written together. To make numbers between 20 – 30, 30 – 40 and so on, just add the number after it. This applies to number 100 as well.
21 = kaksikymmentäyksi
39 = kolmekymmentäyhdeksän
42 = neljäkymmentäkaksi
56 = viisikymmentäkuusi
67 = kuusikymmentäseitsemän
73 = seitsemänkymmentäkolme
84 = kahdeksankymmentäneljä
95 = yhdeksänkymmentäviisi
108 = satakahdeksan
188 = satakahdeksankymmentäkahdeksan
I'm not yet detailing the usage of punctuation in Finnish (because there are varied rules for that topic.). Instead we're looking over the names and basic uses in Finnish language.Piste (A full stop, or typically called a "dot".) indicates the end of sentences.
Pilkku (comma) is mainly used for separating. Ostan maitoa, juustoa ja leipää = I'll buy milk, cheese and bread.
Kaksoispiste (colon) is used before lists, descriptions,definitions, explanations, persons' lines...
Kysymysmerkki (question mark) is used in questions.
Huutomerkki (exclamation mark) is used in interjections (oho!, eiiih!, yäk!) or sentences with high volume (shouting).
Heittomerkki (apostrophe) serves the only purpose of indicating the break between two same letters of two syllables. Vaa'an, tiu'un, ruo'on.
Lainausmerkit (quotation mark) before and after the quotation: "Minne menet?" =
"Where are you going?"
Sulkeet (brackets) are used to set apart additional information from the main text.
Vinoviiva/ kauttaviiva (forward slash) is used in fractions, between poem verses and in computer decoding.
Vau, oletpa tehnyt hienon ja hauskan sivun. Toivotaan että tästä on hyötyä monille suomea opiskeleville. :D Näyttää ainakin tosi hyvin tehdyltä ja selkeältä blogilta. :)
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